The Might of a 5 Letter Word Called Might
The natural law is tooth and claw. All else is error.
When used as a noun, might means a person’s power or strength, like the might it takes to get a stuck lid off a jar of peanut butter, or the impressive power of a group, like a country’s military might.
Might is also a verb used to express possibility, like when you might go for a walk if it doesn’t rain.
Here, the discourse is the latter- the one that expresses possibility.
The ‘might’ in “this might work.” An approach designed by hope, optimism and wanting to take the leap of faith.

The propensity to take a call, embark on an initiative, make a generous assertion about things you can’t be sure of.
Many hands make light work. Extending the analogy, many a ‘ might ‘, will add up, compound and make things work.
Was it Bismark who quoted ‘ Might is Right ‘? Though he was referring to the other might, when used as a noun. We rather use might as a verb.