MVP(Maximum Viable Product) for the MVA(Minimum Viable Audience)


Normally MVP is denoting Minimum Viable Product. But, here by design the thought is for your Maximum Viable Product. As you show up and ship it out in the full knowledge that it is made for the smallest viz Minimum Viable Audience– lets call them the early adopters.


It was Geoffrey Moore who coined the term chasm.The term for the gap between the small part of the market populated with people who like to go first, and the larger group of people who want to get involved with something that’s proven, popular and effective.


The early adopters  are the ones who ask ‘is it new?’ , ‘ what is different? ‘. The early majority come in next(they are early followers) once they see it is effective and it is working.


The early adopters are the ones we need to delight. They then take on the mantle of being your unofficial brand ambassadors. They spread the word. They tell the others. They are the ones who help cross the chasm and bring in the next round of users | followers, the early majority.

The trap is in trying to be all things to all people at the same time. Resist the temptation. The early adopters will do the generous work of bringing the others on board.


Not everyone goes first. Almost no one does. Our culture changes when the early adopters tell the others. And it applies to almost everything,  be it rock bands, organic juice, movies, electric cars, books or online courses. What we have to show is the tenacity and persistence of showing up first, delight the daylights out of the early adopters, win their trust and then go on to win the hearts and minds of those who didn’t show up first. The chasm gets crossed and the community gets built.


It is not a linear sequence. You might be ready with your launch. But people show up when they are ready. Not when you are.


Find your mojo. The early adopters. And leave the rest to them.



Why 5% > 95% ?

No. The arithmetic may not look right. Contrarian and defies established norm. Yes.


But, dare I say, this is the new math.


A lot of our attention and effort is spent and invested in trying to onboard the laggards and the lurkers.


And it done by dumbing down. Offering more incentive. Creating urgency. Re-posting. Hustling to see if they would take some action.


Certainly not worth it.  And very frustrating for anyone who leads.


Progress operates on a different GPS. It has a different route to take.


Wouldn’t it be great if everyone who says they are a contributor | supporter | fan | contributor | member | long-term customer showed up..


..then huge things would begin to happen.


The 95% who lurk and remain non-committal will almost always lurk. Thats okay.


The energy and the emotional labour has to go into the 5%. The place to focus on. 


Because when their persistent, consistent and generous action begins to add up, change happens. And that may bring the lurkers along. And who knows, even activate them. They will catch up when they need to.


The chasm will get bridged at its own pace. And that’s perfectly fine.


There’s nothing wrong with the laggards and the lurkers. Remember, they are potential action-takers.


But for now, our focus, action, respect and gratitude is for all those people who are already showing up. And shipping out. Which is the 5%!


So, let’s stop falling over ourselves to dumb down. Average it out. Trying to appeal and please everyone and anyone.


When you seek to engage with everyone, you rarely delight anyone. And if you’re not the irreplaceable, essential, one-of-a-kind change maker, you never get a chance to engage with the market.


So, seek your MVA(minimum Viable Audience). This would be counter to what are taught (or expected to learn) in the ‘ School of Capitalism ‘ , but this is the simplest way to do the work that matters, impacts, changes and leaves an inspiring legacy.


Now you know- Why 5% > 95% ?