Tango with a Few; Create the Phew!

Small is beautiful. Address the few. It’s worth the phew. And it can be big!

So select few!

If we pay maximum attention to creating and appealing to a minimum audience( popularly referred to as ‘ niche ‘), the only momentum that you get is forward, upward and onward. Excellence comes annexed with such an approach. Customer delight is a natural corollary in such instance.

Also, on the way you discover that:

a) the minimum size is beyond a decent quorum, much more than you envisaged &

b) they create a ruckus and spread your wordbrand advocacy comes in built.

As compared to conforming to the ‘ mediocre ‘ when appealing to a mass. And still struggle for viability. So, don’t miss the point.

So take your pick! We are in an era of many possibilities. And delighting an ‘ audience of one ‘ is one of many.


