There is never a better time than ‘now’!


The much touted (yet severely under practiced) ‘ leap of faith ‘ has nothing to do with what fate has in store for you. You can either furiously hang on to the coat tails of impasse( status quo in other polite words) and pretend that you are making progress( in a time where people have to run hard to stand at the same place) or embrace uncertainty( and the accompanying comfort of opening up possibilities) because that is where discovery, invention, progress and connections converge.

There is never ever a perfect time to begin- on the contrary, all the time you spend on pontificating, over analysing, deferring, not deciding and standing still is a serious trade off with not creating, not evolving and not living life to the fullest. There is a beautiful quote by Rumi which puts this in perfect context-” As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”


Enlightenment is the natural enemy of the mind as articulated by Eckhart Tolle in his seminal book ” The Power of Now “. The clarion call here is to live fully in the present, liberated from the burden of the mind and being intensely in the now.

So, time to write that script, start your project, pitch your idea to investors, apply for that job, travel to that destination in your bucket list, call that friend whom you have not in ages, move base to a new place- and see the magic unfold- the obstacle becomes the way (When the Obstacle Becomes the Way Forward — Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations 5.20).


The perfect time to start? It’s now. What are you waiting for?


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