Busyness isn’t importance. And turmoil isn’t progress.
And contrary to what we are hardwired to believe, burnout is NOT a badge of honour. We are willing(or unwilling) victims of the stories we have been told and the narrative that we have been storing in our heads. We all have stories we live by that aren’t fixed truths. They’re just old scripts we’ve been following without realizing it.
Getting off the hustle treadmill isn’t easy. The treadmill of alienated insecurity that tells you that the moment you stop running for even an instant, you will be flung flat on your face. Burnout is when you are all the time overstimulated. Our culture glorifies burnout as a measure of success and self worth and that does not help in any way. The implicit message is that if we are not perpetually exhausted, we are not doing enough. As if the great things are reserved for those who bleed. For those who almost break.
Introspect and ask your self ‘ how complicit or a willing ally are you in creating the conditions(and preserving that status quo) that are causing you stress and overwhelm’ ? Is your GPS calibrated right? Does it have to guide you only towards Destination Struggle? You don’t have to Google to find better Wayz!
Does your To-Do task list for the day occupy all of the entire A4 page? And To-Do as a term itself sounds so intimidating and an admonishment, clearly that you are not going to enjoy.
The continuous talk of self-optimisation. BS- humans are not search engines.
For all those who flaunt their workaholic badges of honor and condescendingly accept the various neurotic flavors that comes with it, let’s come to terms with the fact that we have been conditioned to think that work in the laissez faire zeitgeist is about hyper vigilance. It’s about what happens to people when they are trapped in abusive circumstances and cannot escape. Psychologist Judith Herman observed that “the ultimate effect of [psychological domination] is to convince the victim that the perpetrator is omnipotent, that resistance is futile, and that her life depends upon winning his indulgence through absolute compliance.” We haven’t been able to shrug off the mega legacy of the Industrial Age: Compliance. Phew!
And since we are all birds of the same feather, we fall for the narrative that romanticizes struggle and that assumes only grueling work can produce worthy results.
The good thing is that you have a choice. Like nature, fly with the wind. Go with the flow, like water. Take the path of least resistance.
Because, clearly Working is NOT Productivity. RIP Productivity!