Make no mistake: human beings are rough drafts…


Our zeitgeist will not have it any other way. Complete.


That is far from the reality and we remain tricked by the ‘ tyranny of completion ‘.


The reality though is vastly different. Human beings are rough drafts that continually mistake themselves for the final story, then gasp as the plot changes on the page of living. @Maria Popova!


Far from complete.


It is our ego, a benchmark that we have of ourselves, the stories that we tell ourselves and the world at large, a passive succumbing to facades of coherence and continuity, that leaves us moored to what is a static idealized self.


Without much effort we are willing captives of comfort in our thoughts or feelings ; victims of certainty- a supreme narrowing of the mind. But, “When nothing is sure, everything is possible – Margaret Drabble

The assertion here, however, is that there really is no creativity without uncertainty. Put another way: dubito ergo creo. This is Latin for, I doubt therefore I create.


More here on Creativity & The Certainty of Uncertainty !



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