When the going is good…


Though not in all cases, as brand or management consultants, the one piece of unsolicited( and sometimes solicited) advise that is given to clients is bury your head in the sand and let the good times carry you forward. This of course when you have tail winds propelling you ahead. A not so different piece of counselling offered when the chips are down is to recommend the same path viz bury your head in the sand and hope the bad times will pass away soon.


Neither of the above has anything to do with prudence, pragmatism or wisdom.


At ISD Global, we have tried with different degrees of success asking clients to go for the jugular, especially when the tough times strike. The whole market seems to be in shut down mode and the doomsday actors are having a field day. This is the time, when we advise brands and organisations to get over active and give it the kitchen sink. Because while the rest of the market is in deep slumber, whatever you do, gets noticed, which otherwise is a struggle- in other words, you get more bang for the buck, a common refrain used in our industry.


And the few occassions that lady luck is smiling on you, the sun is cheerful and bright, your industry and your organisation is having a record harvest, when your brand or project launch has gone off like a T, you have been able to pull of a coup or two, try and do something that most don’t. Write the experience down, record the feedback and the impact created, make a coffee table book- anything that you can look back upon with pride and inspiration.

Because, at a time, not so far out into the distant future, this is exactly you might want to hear, see or read, when you can dance with the demons in your head and tell them I have done it. Nothing is as calamitous as it seems.


Certain habits are useful..and this certainly is one of them!

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