Authenticity and the ability to stand naked in your own truth…


Filters and make-believe are the norm. Projecting a version of yourself that conforms, fits in, blends with the rest and be floating in the SOS(Sea of Sameness) is the endeavor. Authenticity is at a premium. There is a yawning gap in the market. How and where are you positioning your personal brand?


Last month, we, at ISD Global, conducted a hugely successful Trust Conclave in collaboration with IIM Bangalore, one of the premier management institutions in the world. In the process we opened a can of worms. The intent was to push the needle from Trust as a noun to Trust as a verb. And the movement is well and truly on its way.


Here’s the lesson:

Nothing builds trust and leads to real solutions like authenticity. 


It is said that “be yourself, everyone else is already taken “- so true. In an ecosphere which expects all of us to be Type A + at all times with the ability and strength of Machiavellian and Hercules combined is a welcome aberration. No need to pretend what you are not. There are enough and more people on Instagram who are already doing that.

Don’t settle for the safety of inauthenticity. Be yourself. The right people and organisation or community will value you for it.


Soul is about authenticity. Soul is about finding the things in your life that are real and pure. Truth is a point of view, but authenticity can’t be faked.



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