What do you stand for?


If you are like me and given a few exams or tests, you would have encountered the popular multiple choice questions where the question is followed by a choice of potential correct answers. To make it a little dodgy for the test or exam takers, there is also a choice given ‘ none of the above ‘.


I think None of the Above gets us thinking about how we “other” people in our lives and how society teaches us to turn away from the unfamiliar.


Probably the choice is easier. Rather than stand for something and back it, you take the route of being against because that is the easier choice. None of the above absolves you of responsibility in a way because there is something on offer without being on offer if you know what I mean.


So, life’s exams will throw up ” None of the Above ” or even ” All of the Above ” as choices- that said, it is up to us to direct our responsibility in the direction we need to.



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