Great Work=Better Clients!


It is highly unlikely that creators are in the quest to deliver mediocre work. That, in spite of being at the wrong end of clients who are lazy, selfish and think the short-term. Or the boss who does not care enough to up the ante. We have often heard the refrain ” I am doing this boring, banal, insipid, uninspiring, mediocre work because that’s what the client wants “.


The above is the harsh reality. Unfortunately so. Response to such situations can throw two sets of possibilities:-


  • Persuade the client to let you do great work. I know it is easier said than done, but it is worth the effort I promise. Who knows, wiser counsel may prevail
  • Or better, go find better clients who are prepared to sing from the same hymn sheet as you


The onus is on you- if you, the creator, conduct yourself and act in a manner which demonstrates that you deserve better clients, sooner than later you begin to get better clients. Then the linear sequence does not offer any room for compromise. You deliver great work because you damn well talk the talk and walk the walk.


What we have to be grateful for is the fact that there are better clients. They are a minority but they exist. Who have the grace and the vision, the gall and the gumption, the guts and the grit to waltz with you. You owe it to them. We thank them.



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