…and EVs to Elon Musk? The original expression (also goes by ‘preaching to the choir ‘) means that it is a waste of time and effort to be pitching or marketing something to the already converted. They are already onboarded.
Enrollment is crucial. If people are not on the journey that your bus is taking, consider yourself going unnoticed, ignored and simply not open to be marketed, influenced or talked to.
The best way to bring about change is to enroll people who are already on a similar journey and then equip them with the knowledge, the tools and the motivation to onward engage with the people around them. They are the ones who wield the megaphone and spread the word. Bring the network effect into play.
People like us do things like this. Nothing like the power and velocity of the peer-to-peer connect. That is what shapes the culture and makes our world. It begins with a quorum like a choir and builds on. The chasm between the innovators, early adopters, late adopters and the laggards keeps getting bridged. No need to wait for them. Start with the one already on the boat.
If your work is worth spreading, impacting, preaching to the choir is not a bad place to begin.