Whats Your Daily Cacy ?


Daily. No, I am not talking about a newspaper, though even that makes it count day after day. Not letting go of the opportunity. Being relentless, slipping under your door(or in front), come hell or high water. Enough metaphorical talk.


A new day, is a chance to create better process, habits and assets. What are you doing every day that compounds and something that you can build on? Something you create or learn that makes you more valuable, more sought after, respected. Curiosity skilled the cat.


Every day is a lot of days. And in the long run, what you do in the short run accumulates. When you spend every day working toward achieving your ultimate goals or just living your purpose consistently, you will be happy. Most probably, you will be happier than most.

So, whether it is practicing gratitude, learning something new, drawing on your well of creativity and expressing yourself, investing in me time, facing your fears, finding something you love and doing it, you would have done pretty well for yourself.



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