How Steep Is Your Love?

Please pardon me if the caption of this blog post sounds comfortingly familiar to the Bee Gees classic single ” How Deep Is Your Love “. Inspired? Yes, absolutely.


You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.


It shouldn’t be such a difficult thing to do, but, yet it is.


How to love yourself.


One of the best guides to how to be self-loving is to give ourselves the love we are often dreaming about receiving from others.


There will be times when you will be feeling lousy about your state of mind, your over-fifty body, your hair, you see yourself as too fat, too this or too’s a rabbit hole that we all go into.


Yet you fantasise about finding someone who would give you the gift of being loved as you are. Contrarian, isn’t it?


It is silly, isn’t it, that you would dream of someone else offering to you the same acceptance and affirmation that you are voluntarily withholding from yourself.


The word ‘ love ‘ is most often defined as a noun. But, it is worth altering the trajectory. We would all love better if the word love is used as a verb, rather than a noun.


The ask here is: could we proactively offer a new ethic for a society bereft with lovelessness– not the lack of romance, but the lack of care, compassion, unity ?


People are divided by our society’s failure to provide a model for learning to love.


Should we be razing the cultural paradigm for a new path to love that is sacred, redemptive, and healing for individuals and society?


Definitely so. Count me in!


As Katrina Mayer puts it, ” Loving yourself isn’t vanity, it is sanity “.





4 thoughts on “How Steep Is Your Love?”

  1. As Katrina Mayer puts it, ” Loving yourself isn’t vanity, it is sanity “.
    A brilliant post! Thought provoking and it touched my heart and made my day.
    Kudos to you Suresh for such soulful writing.

  2. A beautiful thought put forth so convincingly…..Love as a verb will be effective only thru our actions…So act in the now… and keep loving….jeena isikaa naam hai….

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