Wanting to go from Rant to Rave…

Wanting to go from Rant ​to Rave…
The saga continues. The desperation is palpable. Because, unless it becomes an obsession, status quo is a convenient getaway. So, if you want to come out of the present rabbit hole, let’s look at a scenario of what was and what should be. It surely is a study in contrast for brands and businesses and the CEOs, CMOs leading them and wanting to Stay Relevant. Forge ahead. Survive. Thrive.
Go from ‘ Be ahead of the pack ‘ to ‘ Be ahead of the curve
​Change thinking from ‘ Get big fast ‘ to ‘ Get a clue
Move on from ‘ Size will defend us ‘ to ‘ Size is no defense
Migrate from ‘ Sales to the usual suspects ‘ to ‘ Sales to unusual prospects
Shift from ‘ Maximise revenues from a few big customers ‘ to Maximise ‘innovation ‘ by seeking out ‘ strange ‘ small customers
​Go away from ‘ Benchmarking against ‘ industry leaders ‘ to ‘ Benchmarking against leading edge firms
Change from ‘ Strategic suppliers ‘ to ‘ Fringe suppliers
Shift search from ‘ Reliable employees ‘ to ‘ Rambunctious employees ‘
Hire the gal(guy) from a prestigious school ‘ to ‘ Hire the gal(guy) with a freaky portfolio ‘
Actively move from ‘ Passive board of directors ‘ to a ‘ Pushy board of directors ‘
Change culture of ‘ Bulk acquisitions ‘ to ‘ Buying innovation
A value chain from ‘ Safety first partners ‘ to ‘ Risk ready partners
From ‘ Playing it safe ‘ to ‘ Playing it Weird
Delete the mantra ‘ Cover all the bases ‘ and establish ‘ Burn all the ships ‘
Though not always with a high degree of success, we at ISD Global(https://bit.ly/2Bx33Kj) try to practice the above preaching. We have realised that this kind of thinking comes more naturally to us and sits comfortably in our hearts and minds. Probably, we now don’t know any other way. That ignorance is bliss. Come join the weird. Wired for the unexpected.

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