It Takes Two to Tango
When, its the crack of dawn and you wake up with a cracker of an idea…
When, heavy metal(not the music variety) takes centre stage, as a billion go after the bullion…and its Dhanteras…
When, its the time to visit ageing parents (and friends on anti ageing creams as well)…
When, Bhaiyya will go really Dhoor to meet his Behna as its Bhaiyaa Dhooj...
When, you needn’t sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty to burst an atom bomb, tightly packed, loosely used…
When, you are boxed in with the same set of Sweets in the same style of box; who cares about Out Of The Box Thinking…
When,the ethereal Dias and Candles appeal to the Mirzas and the Mishras alike…
When, nothing is taken lightly, and every house takes the LEaD in being lit up…
When, Kindle users and Kandeel users come together…
When, in autumn there is a spring in every step…
When, blessings and blastings go hand in hand…
When, Lakshmi is under considerable time pressure to be there and do that…
When, gambling inside homes is official as cards and cash exchange hands…
When, expenditure is on the RAMpage yet everyone is on the same page…
When, book keeping becomes a religion…
When, community, camaraderie, co existence is the spirit…
When, meet, greet, preeth, reeth and touching feet is not made out to be a feat…
When, two words embodies this all…
Happy Diwali!!